Where Am I?

It's an odd thing, but anyone who disappears is said to be seen in San Francisco.


Christmas Holidays

Maria and I have just lived our first Christmas abroad and far from our families. We decided not to do like "El Almendro" and we stayed in SF. Even though the large distance, we both had the opportunity to share some special moments with family and friends, whishing everyone the best for this holidays and the new year (God bless Skype!).

Besides having the traditional Christmas dinner with our roommates, we could also celebrate part of Christmas Eve with our families. I even opened some presents online in the morning when I woke up!

My twin brother Pablo and Marta came to visit us (that was
the bigger present). Together, we went on a road trip along the Pacific Coast, celebrated New Year's Eve, and had an amazing Three Kings Day.

Maria i jo acabem de viure el nostre primer Nadal a l'estranger i lluny de les nostres famílies. Vàrem decidir no fer com "El Almendro" i ens vam quedar a SF. Malgrat la distància, els dos vàrem tenir la oportunitat de compartir alguns moments especials amb família i amics (Déu beneeixi Skype!).

A més de tenir un tradicional dinar de Nadal amb els nostres companys de pis, també vàrem poder celebrar part de la Nit de Nadal amb les nostres famílies. Jo fins i tot vaig obrir alguns regals online per matí quan em vaig llevar!

El meu germà bessó Pablo i la Marta van venir a visitar-nos (aquest va ser el millor regal). Junts vàrem anar a fer un Road Trip per la costa del Pacífic, celebrar Cap d'Any i una fnatàstic Dia de Reis.