Where Am I?

It's an odd thing, but anyone who disappears is said to be seen in San Francisco.


My Place in the World

La recerca i les entrevistes han donat el seu fruit, i finalment he pogut ocupar aquella habitació que vaig fer meva en visitar-la per primer cop.
I dic finalment perquè just quan vaig tornar per demanar-la, algú ja l'havia agafat. Però el dia abans d'haver de marxar de casa de Glenn (el cosí americà) m'arriba un mail: "Manu, can you come this evening to finalize the place?". "Yes, I can!".

Ara visc a una casa blava, compartint apartament amb en Matthew. Un jove de 27 anys de New York. Com jo, és un que va bastant al seu rotllo i no especialment comunicatiu. Lo just i necessari. Però fa fàcil la convivència. Tenim alguna xarla de tant en tant quan coincidim al esmorzar o sopar, sobre coses de la vida americana o de casa.

I el millor de la casa no està a dins sinò fora. Està al ben mig de la ciutat de SF! Doneu-li una ulladeta...

The research and the interviews have brought results, and I could rent finally the room that I made mine the first time I visited it. And I say finally because just went I came back to ask for it, someone else had rented it. But the day before living Glenn's place (my American cousin) an email had been sent to me: "Manu, can you come this evening to finalize the place?". "Yes, I can!".

I live in a blue house, now. Sharing apartment with Matthew. A 27-year-old guy from New York. Like me, he's pretty independent, and not especially comunicative. The right and necessary. But he makes easy living together. We have some chat when breakfast or dinner time, about American or home stuff.

And the best of the house isn't inside but outside. It's in the center of SF! Take a look...

Patrolling the City

El primer dia vaig sortir de casa amb la jaqueta posada. Al moment vaig entrar per deixar-la. El segon dia vaig sortir amb jersei. Als 5 minuts me l'havia tret. El sol pren protagonisme en el que sembla un juny entrat barceloní a San Francisco. I jo perquè sóc foraster, però els d'aquí van amb tirants i sandàlies.

Continuant en la meva recerca d'un lloc on dormir (de moment estic sota un pont que he trobat -veieu video-), aprofito les llargues estones entre entrevista i entrevista per visitar la ciutat. No planifico massa. Sé que cada cantonada és un plaer pels meus ulls. Que allà on vagi, m'agradarà.

Però hi ha més. Finalment sembla que des de la Universitat de San Francisco el Decà Adjunt de Programes Corporatius i Internacionals s'ha ofert a donar-me un cop de mà. A veure que passa... Sigui el que sigui serà benvingut.

Estimats i estimades, això és genial. És una pena que alguns haguem de marxar ben lluny per aprendre a gaudir de les petites coses. Seguirem aprenent. I seguirem patrullant la ciutat.

(De tant que gaudeixo la primera setmana no em puc estar de compartir amb vosaltres algunes fotos més que he fet pel camí. Aquest cop, d'acord a la llicència lliure de la canço, hauria de sentir-se la música.)

PD: Pregunta. Per què els asiàtics tenen càmares impressionats però després no saben enquadrar una fotografia? Almenys m'han fet la foto...

The first day I went out wearing the jacket. As soon as I went out I came back to leave the jacket at home. The second day I went out wearing a jumper. I took it off in 5 minutes. The sun takes prominence in what seems to be a well into Barcelona's June in San Francisco. And I'm an outsider, but the locals wear shoulder straps and sandals.

While I'm going on with my research for a room where sleep (I'm under the bridge I found by the moment -watch video-), I use the time between interviews to visit the City. I don't plan pretty much. I know that each corner is a pleasure for my eyes. That wherever I go it will like me.

There's more. Finally it seems that, from the University of San Francisco, the Associate Dean of Corporate and International Programs is going to help me. We will see... Whatever it may be, it will be welcome.

Darlings, this is cool. It is a pity that some of us have to go far away to learn how to enjoy the little things. We'll keep learning. And we'll keep patrolling the City.

(I'm enjoying so much the first week, so I can't avoid sharing some pictures I took during my way. This time, in agreement with the free license of the song, the music should be heard)

PS: Qüestion. Why the asian guys have awesome cameras but they don't know how to frame a picture? At least, they took a picture of me...

Welcome to San Francisco

Ja sóc a San Francisco, i de moment només us dic que és meravellòs. D'entrada, un video de benvinguda. Però no us acostumeu, que demana el seu temps fer-ho...

PD1: Visca el Barça!
PD2: No és casualitat que la primera cançó sigui With a Little Help from My Friends...

I'm already in San Francisco, and for now I just say that It's wonderful. From the outset, a welcome movie. But don't get used to, because it takes much time to do it...

PS1: Up the Barça!
PS2: That's not a coincidence the first song is With a Little Help from My Friends...