Where Am I?

It's an odd thing, but anyone who disappears is said to be seen in San Francisco.


Let's be American people

In our attemp to integrate into the American society, we decided to devote some hours of our leisure time to those who most of the country admires: the military. On the occasion of Columbus Day and the Fleet Week, we did what we would never do in Spain, which is going to see the arsenal display.

We especially would like to mention the astonishing flying display that was held on the Bay, where the Blue Angels had the central role. They were so noise that; 1) flying over the city, most of the car alarm systems went off; 2) I could hear them without hearing aids.

We dedicate this homemade video to Joselito... for the old dreams!

(The recordings are Maria's and the pictures are mine. The scream at the beginning is Maria's, as well)

En un intent de integrar-nos en la societat Americana, vam decidir dedicar algunes hores del nostre temps lliure a aquells que la majoria del pais admira: l'exèrcit. Amb ocasió de Columbus Day y la Setmana de la Flota, vam fer allò que mai faríem a Espanya, que és anar a veure el show d'arsenal militar.

Ens agradaría fer menció especial de la increíble exhibició aérea que va tenir lloc a la Bahía, on els Àngels Blaus van tenir el paper central. Eren tan sorollosos que; 1) volant per sobre de la ciutat, la majoria de les alarmes de cotxe saltàven; 2) jo els podia sentir sense audífons.

Dediquem aquest video casolà al Joselito... pels vells somnis!

(Els videos son de la Maria, i les fotos meves. El crit del principi també és de la Maria)

1 comentari:

Llubi ha dit...

Sembla el Making Of de Independence Day...

Quan una entrada ensenyant casa vostra, el barri, els amics, el bufalo, el pau gasol...?

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