Where Am I?

It's an odd thing, but anyone who disappears is said to be seen in San Francisco.


Sports Weekend

Sembla que vaig arribar ahir a San Francisco, però ja ha passat un mes. El temps esdevé curt quan el gaudeixes i l'inverteixes en allò que has decidit fer lliure i determinadament.

Ja he començat les lliçons d'anglés a Brandon College, que estan resultant molt interessants, i on he trobat millors professors que a Cambridge. Qui ho diria...?

També vaig estar (virtualment) a Sant Cugat la setmana passada per la celebració de l'aniversari del meu germà petit (Ei, Guille, què tal?). Tots el podeu trucar per felicitar-lo al 65034... D'acord, potser no cal. Bé, com anava dient, la meva estimada familia em va deixar ser el cap de taula durant el sopar, i allà vam estar tots xerrant i rient.

Complint amb els meus horaris d'estudi entre setmana, miro de gaudir del temps d'oci els caps de setmana. Entenc que és obvi que vaig veure El Clásico amb la Colonia Catalana afincada a San Francisco. El Barça es veu sovint en un Restaurant Català de la ciutat. Alguns estan intenant fundar la Penya Blaugrana de San Francisco. Si continuen organitzant esdeveniments així crec que ho aconseguiran.

El diumenge una mica de show NBA amb els Golden State Warriors de Oakland contra els Oklahoma City Thunders. Bàsquet a part, l'espectacle és immens. Aquesta gent realment saben com divertir-se. Però has de tenir cura, perquè tanta llum, crits, moviments, performance i anuncis poden ocasionar-te un atac de cor o com a mínim taquicardia. Mireu el video...

Per aquells que sou més de mirar fotos podeu veure algunes que vaig fer a Marina (nord de San Francisco City) clicant a la imatge del meu estimat mitjà de transport.

Bé, crec que el bloc éstà a un pas de convertir-se en un video-bloc. Demana més feina i temps, però és més entretingut, no?

It seems I got yesterday to San Francisco, but it was one month ago. The time becomes shorter when you’re enjoying and spending it with something you freely decided to do.

I’ve already started my English lessons in Brandon College, which are resulting very interesting and where I’ve found better teachers than Cambridge. Who would say it…?

I also was (virtually) in Sant Cugat last week for the celebration of my young brother's birthday (Hi, Guille, how're you doing?). All of you can call him to congratulate him at 65034…. Ok, maybe it’s not necessary. Anyway, my family lent me the main chair of the dinner table and we where all were together chatting and laughing a long time.

Accomplishing with my weekdays schedule, I try to have fun in the weekends. It’s a kind of obvious that I watch the The Classic game with the Catalan Colony in San Francisco. Some people here are trying to set up a Barça Fun Club of SF. With this kind of events, I think they’re going to get it.

On Sunday, a bit of NBA show with the Golden State Warriors of Oakland against the Oklahoma City Thunders. Basketball aside, the show was huge. This people really know how to have fun. But be careful, because such lights, shouts, movements, performances and commercials could drive you into a heart attack or tachycardia. Just check the video...

For those who are more looking-photos people you can also watch a few ones I took in Marina (northern San Francisco City) clicking on the picture.

Oh, I think the blog is about to be definitely a video-blog. It takes much work and time, but it’s more entertained, isn’t?

2 comentaris:

Beza ha dit...

To be honest it is a massive help when asian people introduce themselves with their fake and tacky new names. They all seem to be taken out from the Disney World characters... Don't you think?
A Catalan restaurant in San Francisco? woow! Put some pictures of the restaurant up in the blog, please!
What happened with your American driving license?

Kev and I are still planning our trip to NYC in June. Any chance you are gonna go there at all?

I am extremeley busy cutting out fabrics and sewing my stuff for my collection. I have the fashion show on April 22nd. It is quite scary to be honest. Once it's over I'll make sure I send some pictures, no matter how good or bad it ended up.
Anyways... Time to cut.

Un abrazo y besotes.

PS: Do you still want me to write to you in english?

Mire ha dit...

Em fa molta gràcia veure dos grans amics tan lluny i fent coses junts! He vist el Pepe en el partit del Barça ;-)

Una abraça molt forta!

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