Oi que en Christian sembla un nen molt macot a les fotos que vaig publicar? El pentinat feia molt. I dic feia, perquè ja no té petinat.
Quina és la meva sorpresa quan arribo a casa l’altre dia i quan el nen em ve corrent a rebre’m a la porta veig que li han (intentat) tallar el cabell. Us puc descriure la cara que vaig posar en veure el nen amb la frase amb la que la mare em va rebre: “És que li costa molt estar-se quiet”. Resposta: “És clar”, acompanyada d’una expressió a mig camí entre la comprensió i la compasió.
La mare explica que ella li talla el cabell a tota la seva família, fins i tot a ella mateixa. M’ho crec i confio en que ho fa bé, i que si el nen sembla que hagi estat atropellat per una trotinada màquina de tallar la gespa és perquè no té la capacitat d’estar-se quiet més de dos segons.
Bé, aquest era el meu vot de confiança fins que al dia següent va ser el pare el que es va posar a les mans de la seva dona per tallar-se el cabell. La teoria de “el nen no sap estar-se quiet” evoluciona a altres hipòtesis: “el pare tampoc sap estar-se quiet”, “la mare no es mostra sincera sobre la seva habilitat amb les tisores”, “definitivament tenim gustos diferents respecte al que pentinats es refereix o fins i tot sobre el que podríem considerar el concepte de pentinat”.
De debò, és una sensació estranya quan creus ser l’únic que es dóna compte de que allò és un desastre. Per a que us feu una idea, quan parlava amb el pare durant el sopar, no podia evitar mirar contíuament a la clariana qué lluïa a l’esquerra del seu front.
Sé que és el post més idoni per complementar amb imatges, però reconec que no m’he vist amb cor de fer-los.
Sigui com sigui, tot plegat és una senyal de les persones que m’envolten, més preocupades pel que es troba a l’interior que a l’exterior. I això sí que és agraït.
Christian looks a very cute child in the pictures I published, isn’t it? The hairstyle was important for it. And I say “was”, because he hasn’t any hairstyle now.
What is my surprise when I come home the other day and when the child comes running to me at the door I see someone has (tried to) cut his hair. I could describe the my face when I saw the child with the sentence that the mother uses to receive me: "He has some difficulties to keep still." Answer: "Sure", accompanied by an expression a halfway house between understanding and compassion.
The mother explains that she cuts the hair to all the family, even herself. I believe it and I trust that she does well, and if the child looks to have been knocked down by a broken lawnmower is because he hasn’t the capacity to keep still more than two seconds.
Well, that was my vote of confidence until the next day was the father who was put in the hands of his wife for cutting his hair. The theory of "the child don’t knows how to keep still" moves to other hypotheses: "the father also knows how to keep still", “the mother isn’t showing herself sincere about her skill with the scissors", "definitely, we have different tastes about what concerns to hairstyles or even about what we could consider the concept of hairstyle. "
Seriously, it's a strange feeling when you think you are the only one that realizes that that is a disaster. To give you an idea, when I talked with the father during the dinner, I couldn’t avoid looking continually at the clear bold zone that shined at the left of his forehead.
I know it is more appropriate to complement the post with pictures, but I admit that I haven’t had enought brave to take it.
Either way, all this is a sign of the kind of people who surround me, more concerned with the interior than the exterior. And that’s really appreciated.
Quina és la meva sorpresa quan arribo a casa l’altre dia i quan el nen em ve corrent a rebre’m a la porta veig que li han (intentat) tallar el cabell. Us puc descriure la cara que vaig posar en veure el nen amb la frase amb la que la mare em va rebre: “És que li costa molt estar-se quiet”. Resposta: “És clar”, acompanyada d’una expressió a mig camí entre la comprensió i la compasió.
La mare explica que ella li talla el cabell a tota la seva família, fins i tot a ella mateixa. M’ho crec i confio en que ho fa bé, i que si el nen sembla que hagi estat atropellat per una trotinada màquina de tallar la gespa és perquè no té la capacitat d’estar-se quiet més de dos segons.
Bé, aquest era el meu vot de confiança fins que al dia següent va ser el pare el que es va posar a les mans de la seva dona per tallar-se el cabell. La teoria de “el nen no sap estar-se quiet” evoluciona a altres hipòtesis: “el pare tampoc sap estar-se quiet”, “la mare no es mostra sincera sobre la seva habilitat amb les tisores”, “definitivament tenim gustos diferents respecte al que pentinats es refereix o fins i tot sobre el que podríem considerar el concepte de pentinat”.
De debò, és una sensació estranya quan creus ser l’únic que es dóna compte de que allò és un desastre. Per a que us feu una idea, quan parlava amb el pare durant el sopar, no podia evitar mirar contíuament a la clariana qué lluïa a l’esquerra del seu front.
Sé que és el post més idoni per complementar amb imatges, però reconec que no m’he vist amb cor de fer-los.
Sigui com sigui, tot plegat és una senyal de les persones que m’envolten, més preocupades pel que es troba a l’interior que a l’exterior. I això sí que és agraït.
Christian looks a very cute child in the pictures I published, isn’t it? The hairstyle was important for it. And I say “was”, because he hasn’t any hairstyle now.
What is my surprise when I come home the other day and when the child comes running to me at the door I see someone has (tried to) cut his hair. I could describe the my face when I saw the child with the sentence that the mother uses to receive me: "He has some difficulties to keep still." Answer: "Sure", accompanied by an expression a halfway house between understanding and compassion.
The mother explains that she cuts the hair to all the family, even herself. I believe it and I trust that she does well, and if the child looks to have been knocked down by a broken lawnmower is because he hasn’t the capacity to keep still more than two seconds.
Well, that was my vote of confidence until the next day was the father who was put in the hands of his wife for cutting his hair. The theory of "the child don’t knows how to keep still" moves to other hypotheses: "the father also knows how to keep still", “the mother isn’t showing herself sincere about her skill with the scissors", "definitely, we have different tastes about what concerns to hairstyles or even about what we could consider the concept of hairstyle. "
Seriously, it's a strange feeling when you think you are the only one that realizes that that is a disaster. To give you an idea, when I talked with the father during the dinner, I couldn’t avoid looking continually at the clear bold zone that shined at the left of his forehead.
I know it is more appropriate to complement the post with pictures, but I admit that I haven’t had enought brave to take it.
Either way, all this is a sign of the kind of people who surround me, more concerned with the interior than the exterior. And that’s really appreciated.