Where Am I?

It's an odd thing, but anyone who disappears is said to be seen in San Francisco.


Home New Home

Sé que és tard, i que quasi no té sentit comunicar-ho en aquest moment, però he de dir-vos que fa una setmana que vaig mudar-me de casa. Això significa que el video de la meva habitació i la foto copiada del GoogleEarth queden oficialment caducats.

Perquè m’he mudat? El fet és que la meva família fa obres a la casa a on estaven vivint. La volen fer més gran i arreglar-la per acollir més estudiants. Tot va ser molt ràpid, i en tres dies van fer la mudança pel seu compte. El diumenge 20, quan em vaig llevar, a la casa no quedava més que el meu llit, la meva tauleta de nit, i jo. Era com si s’haguessin oblidat de mi. Però no era així.

Ara em trobo en una nova vivenda, més petita, però més habitable. Des d’aquí no necessito gastar-me 11 pounds setmanals per anar a l’escola d’anglès. Les meves cames em porten, i és un camí molt agradable, atravessant parcs que semblen catifes verdes gegants i pels carrers més importants del centre de la ciutat.
De fet, crec que sóc l’únic que agraeix el canvi. La família ja m’està dient que vol canviar, que la casa no els agrada i volen una més gran (no m’importa, però que almenys esperin a que jo marxi...). A qui tampoc li deu agradar la casa és el nou estudiant. Jo ja hi estic acostumat, però us asseguro que per a qui no ho estigui es fa difícil conviure amb els plors i crits continus del petit Christian. De fet, jo ja compto amb ells pel matí i no estic tan pendent de posar-me l’alarma del mòbil. Com a prova de la seva efectivitat: no he arribat tard a classe cap dia.

El nou estudiant és diu Gabort i té 50 anys. Prim, alt, amb ulleres, canós i un bon bigoti de l’est. Molt seriot. És Ginecòleg i Director de l’hospital d’una important ciutat d’Hungria. Pare de quatre criatures ja crescudes (dos d’elles estudien a Salamanca). Deu estar alucinant amb la família. Res més gràfic que el que li ha passat aquest matí. El senyor estava tan tranquil al bany, rentant-se les dents, crec que en pijama. Christian ha entrat al bany sense fer gaire soroll i ha tancat el pestell. L’home no s’assebentat. Mentrestant, en Marcus estava buscant desesperadament al nen, fins que que ha descartat totes les cambres, restant com a única opció el bany (que no s’imaginava ocupat). Quan s’ha percatat que la porta estava tancada, Marcus ha cridat a través de la porta vàries vegades. S’ha espantat de debò al veure que el nen no responia (però tampoc Gabort, fet que encara no entenc). Conseqüència: en qüestió de centèsimes de segon Marcus s’ha llençat cap a la porta i la ha reventat! Com si dels GEOS es tractés! Quedeu-vos amb la cara de Gabort, que s’ha girat de cop, amb el raspall de dents i tota la pasta dins de la boca, i els ulls com a plats, i que no entenia en absolut l’entrada brutal de Marcus al bany. Estava flipant. El pare m’ho explicava a l’hora de sopar. Estava molt avergonyit.

Amb aquest episodi he començat el dia. És tota una sorpresa saber què em despertarà demà...

I know it's late, and maybe it hasn’t any sense to communicate this now, but I have to tell you that a week ago I moved. It means that the video of my room and the photo copied from GoogleEarth are officially expired.

Why I moved? The fact is that my family does buildingwork at the house where they were living. They want to make it bigger and fix it to accommodate more students. Everything went very fast, and in three days they made the move on their own. On Sunday 20, when I got up, in the house was only my bed, my bedside table, and me. It was as if they had forgotten me. But it wasn’t the case.

Now I’m in a new house, smaller but more livable. From here I don’t need to spend 11 pounds a week to go to English School. My legs do it for me, being a very pleasant way, crossing parks like giant green carpets nd across teh most important streets of the city center.
In fact, I’m the only one who appreciates the change. The family is telling me they want to change again, that they don’t like the house and want a bigger ( I don’t mind, but at least wait until I leave...). Another person who maybe doesn’t like the house is the new student. I’m already used to, but I assure you that if your are not used to, it’s difficult to live with the constant crying and screaming of the little Christian. In fact, I already take them into account in the morning and I don’t set the alarm on my phone anymore. As proof of its effectiveness: I haven’t arrived late to class any day.

The new student is 50 years old and his name is Gabort. Slim, tall, with glasses, and a good eastern mustache. Very serious. He’s gynaecologist and the Head of a hospital in a major city in Hungary. Father of four grown children already (two of them studying in Salamanca). He must be gobsmacked at the family. Anything could be more graphic than what has happened this morning. The gentleman was so quiet in the bathroom, washing his teeth, I think wearing his pajamas. Christian has gone into the bathroom without making much noise and closed the latch. The man hasn’t found out. Meanwhile, Marcus was desperately looking for the child until it has ruled out all the rooms, as the only remaining option was the bathroom (that he didn’t imagine it was occupied). When he has realize that the door was closed, Marcus has called through the door several times. Was really scared to see that the child did not respond (but either Gabort, which still I do not understand). Consequence: in a few hundredths of a second Marcus has thrown out the door and has break it! As if he was the SWAT! Stay with the face of Gabort that has turned suddenly, with the toothbrush and paste in the whole mouth and eyes opened as plates, who didn’t understand at all the brutal entry of Marcus into the bathroom. He was gobsmacked. The father told me at the dinner. He was very embarrassed.

With this episode I started the day. It would be a surprise to know what will wake me up tomorrow ...

2 comentaris:

Anònim ha dit...

Òstia Manu! Això sembla un capítol d'Hotel fawlty, al més estil de monty payton!!! Però que bo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sílvia ha dit...

Jjajaja, impressionant!si és que el k no passi amb akesta penya...k booo!però falten fotos acreditant les historietes de la teva familía postissa, eh? això no val!

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