Where Am I?

It's an odd thing, but anyone who disappears is said to be seen in San Francisco.


First Visit

Aquest cap de setmana he tingut l'honor de ser visitat per l'Andrea i en Kevin. Pels que no ho sabeu (la majoria) ella és la meva cosina i viu a Londres des fa uns tres anys. En allà va conèixer en Kevin, el seu company.
Com a bons anglesos, primer van dinar en un pub per, alhora, veure el gran partit entre Manchester United i Manchester City. Un partidàs (espero que no ens toqui el ManU a la Champions... Visca el Barça!!). Resultat: 4-3. Va guanyar el Manchester United amb un gol... al minut 96!!
Després del partit vam estar passejant, vam visitar el King's College, prendre el solet prenent un cafè a la vora del Riu Cam... Va ser un autèntic diumenge de relax. M'ho vaig passar molt bé!! Em va fer molta il·lusió la seva visita. D’aquí poc ens trobem a Londres de nou... i amb la Maria.

Aquí teniu algunes fotos:

I had the honor of being visited by Andrea and Kevin this weekend. For those who don’t know them (most), she is my cousin and lives in London about three years ago. In there she met Kevin, her partner.
As good English people, we were first to a pub for lunch while seeing the great game between Manchester United and Manchester City. It was an amazing game (I hope we haven’t to play against the Manu at the Champions... Up the Barça!). Result: 4-3. Manchester United won with a goal... in minute 96!
After the game we were walking, we visited King's College, sunbathing while having a coffee close of the River Cam... It was a real relaxing Sunday. I enjoyed so much! I was very glad about his visit. In few days we are going to meet in London again ... and with Maria.

Here are some pictures:

1 comentari:

Andrea ha dit...

Well done!
It was a really nice visit and it was great to see you.
Thanks for showing us around and for being such a good host. We hope that when you both come we can be as good hosts as you!

Good to see the pictures.

PS: Some english grammar to correct and also... I've been here for over 4 years, already!

Un beso, un abrazo y regards from Kevin.

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